
The Transcendental Tourist

Liebster Blog Award

September 25, 2011

A pleasant surprise greeted me this morning. I got another award to put on my blog mantle. 🙂

I’m grateful to Citizen of the World Nelieta Mishchenko of Travelling Adventures for giving me the Liebster Blog Award. Liebster is German for “favorite” so making it on her list is sweet and touching.

TTT and Oscar, the Award

The award comes with instructions to pay it forward to five of your favorite bloggers. There are still many amazing bloggers I’d like to tip my blogging hat to, in addition to those I have recognized with a Kreative Blogger Award and in My 7 Links.

I will make an exception by spreading blog love to seven bloggers, all of whom are women. Gender is not the only thing they share. Courage and passion set them apart from the pack. Each of their blogs reflects their love for travel, discovery, photography, learning, writing, and living. In no particular order, I salute the following bloggers:

Reiza Dejito of Wander If You Must. Keen observation and intelligence define Reiza’s blog. Her pioneering spirit trains the spotlight on obscure countries, such as Uganda, Sudan, and Nepal. You go girl!

Mari Sterling Wilbur of Mari\’s Camera. Mari is a skillful artist with the heart of a teacher. Her generosity of spirit is her trademark. She dispenses photography lessons to noobs like me.

Gay Mitra-Emami of Pinay Travel Junkie. Fashionista mom on the road – Gay runs away with the niche. Since she gave birth, she has mostly traveled with her mini-me, adorable baby Luna. And with her svelte figure, she’s not only an earth mother – she’s Miss Earth Mother!

Claire Raborar of Lakwatsera de Primera. Claire imbues her entries, whether sublime (discovering hidden coves) or mundane (dodging passport issues), with disarming candor. She seems unaware of her own coolness which makes her adventures all the more endearing.

Kris Arndt of The Absurd Traveler\’s Guide. A talented storyteller, Kris narrates her experiences as an expat with her tongue firmly in cheek. She gives a unique spin to the joys of traveling. The blog title says it all.

Gael Hilotin of The Pinay Solo Backpacker. At times brooding, other times bubbly, Gael pours her heart into her writing and photography. She is both a sensitive and a fearless traveler.

Lili Ram of Life is a Celebration. While others are still losing and finding themselves on the road, Lili is a self-assured traveler who already has a lifetime of travels under her belt bag. She’s the Goldilocks of travel blogging – effortlessly combining just the right amount of personal experience, history, hard facts, insight, and humor in every entry.

Viva Girl Power! Brava!

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12 thoughts on “Liebster Blog Award

  1. Excellent AJ and you so deserve this award! A great list of writers and I know them all apart from Lili. For sure will I pay her blog a visit 🙂 Ladies, you make us women proud!

    1. A ton of thanks, Nelieta! Do visit Lili’s blog. She’s not in my FB friends list so I couldn’t invite her to our group.

  2. Hey, AJ, this cheers me up to the max on this stormy morning. As I “collect” my award, let me just say your kind words warm my heart. I never for the life of me thought of myself as “Goldilocks” — but I like that. Ta Ta…..

    1. Hahaha there’s always a first time, Lili. You really strike a Goldilocks balance with all those things I enumerated. Stay safe in the storm.

  3. AJ, AJ, what can I say? Thanks, and more thanks! Do you know that this is my first-ever blogging award. It means so much to me, especially as it’s coming from someone I bow down to. 🙂

    Sorry, I haven’t been active in the blogging sphere lately. The Internet connection in my part of the world is a game of cat and mouse, as you can imagine. But that won’t stop me from spreading the love. 🙂

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